FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788

Patrick's 2006 Sportster Trike

I just wanted to share a few photos of our new Trike, completed just in time for the Sturgis Rally.  Easy assembly, and what a beautiful trike.  My wife absolutely loves it. We added a trunk to it, the mounting kit for the trunk is a Quick Detach kit right out of the HD parts book.  This little beauty draws a ton of attention wherever we go. And, don’t let anyone say you can’t put a trike kit on an 883, this baby has plenty of power to spare.  We had the custom striping and feathering done during the rally, at a vendor set up in Hill City, and the trike was at his spot all day.  He said that there were hundreds of people that stopped and looked at it and remarked what a neat set up it was.  Luckily, I had left your information with him, and he said a lot of people asked about where the kit came from. 

Thanks for making such a great trike kit

Frankenstein Trikes 2006 Sportster
Frankenstein Trikes 2006 Sportster
Frankenstein Trikes 2006 Sportster
Frankenstein Trikes 2006 Sportster

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