FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788

Frankenstein Trike's Brake Pads
trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes

The brake pads are for the four piston Hawg Halters caliper that we use on our trike kit.

The pads can be purchased at your local bike shop.
The pads need to be for a four piston Hawg Halters caliper.

? Changing brake pads. click here for instructions

$39.00 per set
$12.00 S/H

Frankenstein Trike's Brake Rotor
trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes

The brake rotor is a 2000 up rear Harley Davidson motorcycle rotor. Harley Davidson part number 41797-00

$20.00 S/H

trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes
trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes
Frankenstein Trike's Caliper

The caliper is a four piston Hawg Halters caliper.
Comes with brake pads, banjo bolt and crush washers.


$20.00 S/H

Frankenstein Trike's Outboard Brakes
trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes

The outboard brakes include the following parts. (pictured to the right)
2 - Rotors and rotor hats
1 - Caliper
2 - Axle retainer / caliper bracket
2 - Brake lines, 2 - 10 mm Banjo brake line fittings
1 - Brake line "T", 2 - Straight brake line fittings and 1 - Banjo bolt and crush washers
10 - longer axle studs

Sown below mounted on a 38" Sport Std. rear end


$670.00 (For rear end you have purchased)
$45.00 S/H

$600.00 (Factory Installed) (Additional)

trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes
trailer hitch for frankenstein trikes  
the original sport trike kit frankenstein trikes proudly made in pleasanton kansas usa
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