FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788

What our customers are saying.

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I just wanted to convey my thanks to you all at Frankenstein Trikes for producing such a great product. I recently purchased a Trike Kit from you for my wife's 2008 Sportster 1200C. The kit arrived with everything included and installing it was a very easy process. I am impressed with the quality and workmanship that was put into this product. It is definitely a solid built rear end. The test drive after installation proved it was money well spent. The bike now has a very stable platform that gives me peace of mind when the wife hops on and rides along, with me leading the way on my Ultra, along our South Alabama roads.
Thanks for offering this fantastic kit, that is also reasonably priced. So far it has proven to be bullet proof and I can see this kit holding up for the long haul.


Bay Minti, Alabama

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2022 Fatboy Allen's 2003 Softail Paul's 1996 Fat Boy
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John 2013 Jeff 2002 Dale 1993
Vinny 2007 Dot's 1999 Heritage George's 2004 Heritage
Ellie 2000 Custom Softail Eddie 1994 Softail Bill's 2009 Heritage

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