FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788


Joe & Penny R. 2011 Sportster 883 Iron

Thought I would send a few shots of our completed trike. I bought this Sportster a year ago for myself. Shortly thereafter my wife decided she wanted to ride so she took Riders Edge and bought a Yamaha 250. In May I found an 08 Rocker that I simply had to have so we traded the Yamaha in and became a two Harley family. Since my wife had little seat time with her bike we felt like she would be more comfortable with three wheels and decided to convert the Sportster for her to ride, After much research we landed on a Frankenstein kit. What a breeze to install. All the parts fit just right. Thanks for doing such great work.

Joe & Penny R.
2011 Sportster 883 Iron
Lorena TX

Frankenstein Trike Conversion Kit on 883 Sportster with testimonial
Frankenstein Trike Conversion Kit on 883 Sportster with testimonial
Frankenstein Trike Conversion Kit on 883 Sportster with testimonial

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