FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788


Jennifer's 2003 Sportster Trike

Hello Tom,
  My husband and I love this kit.  This was a nice project for us.  We put the kit together and had fun building our new project.  The instructions you provided were well written and easy to follow.  This bike was originally a 2003 Harley Sporster (Black) and it now looks like a Frankenstein Monster.  We have received so many compliments on this kit.  The judges at Thunder Beach commented on how good this kit was made and told me the manufacturer of this kit did an awesome job.  Hope you enjoy the pictures because we are enjoying the trike.

Jennifer C.

frankenstein trike kit
frankenstein trike kit on sportster
frankenstein trike kit on H-D sportster
sportster trike kit using frankenstein trike conversion kit not a champion trike
frankenstein trike kit on harley-davidson sportster
Award for winning trike show

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