FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788

Bud's 2003 Dyna Super Glide
using 38" Sport Trike Kit for Dyna.

Completed my trike conversion and loving it but now wife loves it more and she now is learning to ride it.  The kit is light enough that she doesn't need a reverse she can back it up by herself.  I have had lots of comments on it and not many bikers have seen this kit around here.  I ride with other trikes and they are heavy, this kit handles like a sports car, what a kick to ride.:)   when my wife lets me.  Fortunately I have another bike.

Bud W.

Trike Conversion kit on H-D Dyna Frankenstein Trikes
Trike Conversion kit on H-D Dyna Frankenstein Trikes
Trike Conversion kit on H-D Dyna Frankenstein Trikes

Trike Conversion kit on H-D Dyna Frankenstein Trikes


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