FRANKENSTEIN TRIKES Complete Trike Kits for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. 9453 Trump Terr. - Pleasanton, KS. USA 1-913-352-6788

Kat Daddy's custom trike

Kat Daddy Customs takes the Frankenstein Trike rear end to the extreme with the “Triple Threat“. Kat Daddy Customs is located in Auburn and owner Rick has been building one off customs since he was a teenager. For this “monsterpiece” Rick used a 127 Ultima Motor, a six speed Ultima Transmission and a 3 ½ open belt primary. The one off  wheels was a collaboration with Kat Daddy Customs and  Extreme Machine, a company that prides themselves on making  some of the most extreme wheels industry. Rick designed the footpegs, hand grips, jockey shift and rear wheel hubs. Every green part on the Trike was hand formed and fabricated using the English wheel, planishing hammer and a hand drawn mandrel tubing bender by Rick. Rick also has become quite a painter out of necessity , so yep you guessed it he did all the paint as well. A sweet finish was acquired using House of Kolor Organic Green metallic, with marbleized green and black tribal designs. Your likely to see the the Triple Threat The bike will be shown at the I-X Center in Cleveland displayed on a turntable Sponsored by Yams Electro-Mechanical.

When Rick shows his bike at events and competitions no average turntable will do, so in cooperation with Yams Electro-Mechanical the Triple threat can be shown in all its glory.

custom Frankenstein trike

custom Frankenstein trike
custom Frankenstein trike
custom Frankenstein trike


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